Autumn English is a 22 year old filmmaker hailing from the Midwest.  She was born and raised in the peaceful suburbs of Eastpointe, Michigan. She graduated from high school with a focus on Science and Arts, however, she knew that was not her true calling. She made a quick decision before entering Michigan State University for her undergrad education: become a film major. In April of 2024, she received a B.A. in Film Studies with a minor in Fiction Filmmaking. Currently, she is pursuing her goals of working within the industry.
Autumn specializes in post-production, an emphasis in picture editing. She has done so for the past 4 years of her time at MSU. However, she is all about any and everything editing. From narrative to documentary, to music videos and commercials; she's passionate about being in the cutting room. Outside of that, writing and development is another skill she has devoted time to improving. She has wrote 2 TV pilots, 2 feature length films, and 3 short films. Additionally, she has also wrote a plethora of film analysis and essays throughout her time within the Film Studies program. 
Outside of post and writing, Autumn is also well versed in production. She has directed and shot 5 of her own short film projects, and has had the opportunity to assist in many others. Filmmaking is something that brings her immense joy in life and has given her a purpose that she can't help but want to fulfil. No matter if it is her own projects or someone else's, Autumn's innate drive to create will drive her to put her all into every project she creates. 

Resume (2024)